George Orwell's '1984' was Cold War Propaganda
April 22, 2017

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April 22, 2017
Greg said (April 24, 2017):
"The West has transitioned to communism without the fuss and bother of a revolution, but the downside is that no one has noticed." If only this were true - we might still be able to laugh at some of the idiocy of the predatory ruling class. Unfortunately, as Orwell has foretold, the future of the world "is a boot smashing into a human face forever".
The process of communizing the West is only partly begun - the revolution needed to cement the totalitarian dictatorship is still in planning.
The only hope - while our imprisonment is still only partial - is to be found in Orwell's final appendix, wherein he implies that Newspeak actually fails in its objective. The implication clearly being that language and the truth it can propagate does triumph over totalitarian un-freedom.
Anon said (April 23, 2017):
Orwell scanned the regular ferry for assassins from the Fabian Society. His novels told its plots. They didn't send killers. Yes spooks used him postmortem. But the Cold War wasn't his bailiwick. He wrote on IngSoc, ENGLISH socialism. He critiqued peers.
To say with "C" that Orwell "strongly favoured the Anglo-American side" is just calling him a proper Brit. Brits were not yet self-hating multicultural zombies. They had pride. You know, like gays. Orwell defended 1940s Anglo-America, not our modern degeneracy complete with Inner Party terror blamed on foreign scarecrows.
Remember Anglo-America enjoyed vast freedom. Legal newspeak hadn't set in stone. Fabian schemers were still making it up. They had only begun herding us from common law to equity slavery. FDR's bankruptcy had been mere years prior. Colonel House was yet recent. Most Americans lacked branding marks: a "birth certificate," "driver's license," and "marriage license." Men and women travelled and married at common law. They recorded newborns in family Bibles. Men and youths carried guns into schools and train depots. None of these acts required state involvement.
Contrast India's caste society with official corruption at all levels. Hear brown foreigner Frank Raymond for insight.
Peter said (April 23, 2017):
Similarly, and perhaps more sinisterly, Huxley's Shape of Things To Come, and his Brave New World, were not the opposition that we thought they were.
It's a fine line between satire and promotion at all levels of the media. We indeed need to be as wise as serpents though I still believe that being a bit wise to the words we can use them for our own purposes and take the lessons, if not the whole truth, where we can. It's where they get their stuff from, our human natures.
AZ said (April 22, 2017):
“You mentioned in many of your articles that the world is being ruled by a satanic concoction of not so Free Masons, cabalists, Zionists and other devil worshippers. They have implemented the Satanic Triad (Trias Satanica) on this planet. Everyone that wants to climb up the steps of ‘real’ power, has to go through the satanic mill of perverted sex, perverted economics and perverted power. So has Trump. He otherwise couldn’t have taken his ‘throne’ in the White House.
I knew all along that Trump wouldn’t and couldn’t make any difference. Roger Waters pictured Trump as a pig in his concerts even before he was elected. “
YN said (April 22, 2017):
re: "George Orwell's '1984' was Cold War Propaganda"
Please recall the Leitmotif of how the west became seemlessly communist::
Also described programmatically by Yuri Bezmenov:
1. Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete)
2. Thomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) Soviet Subversion of America - Full L.A. Lecture (1983)
see also cultural mnarxism
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
LUIS said (May 11, 2017):
Wells himself wrote more books as blueprints.
There the The shape of things to come and New World Order.
There's of course Huxley's Brave New World or Edward Bernay's Propaganda...
People from different 'sciences' all came up with literature concerning how the future should be created, science such as theology, psychology, philosophy, etc.
a concerted band of people all rowing in the same direction and sharing the same views, techniques and goals.